PADANG, - The prolonged drought that has affected Padang City for the past month has caused several areas to experience water shortages.
In response to this situation, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has been distributing clean water to assist residents.
On Saturday (27/7/2024) and Sunday (28/7/2024), BPBD Padang distributed clean water in Kelurahan Pengambiran Ampalu Nan XX, Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung.
There were two distribution points: Jalan Bhakti Abri RT 01 RW 18 and Perumahan Griya Emya Hasanah, Arai Pinang.
Subsequently, on Monday (29/7/2024), clean water distribution was carried out in Semberang Pambayan RW 04, Kelurahan Batang Arau, Kecamatan Padang Selatan.
Hendri Zulviton, Head of BPBD Padang, mentioned that in distributing clean water, his team cooperated with PDAM Padang.
At the first location, clean water was distributed to 200 households affected by the drought that has lasted for approximately one month. At the second location, 144 houses were impacted by the water shortage.
"Today, in Semberang Pambayan RW 04, Kelurahan Batang Arau, Kecamatan Padang Selatan, we distributed clean water to 105 houses affected by the drought," he said on Monday (29/7/2024).
In addition to these three locations, BPBD Padang has also been distributing water at several other points since last week.
"In the future, there are still several points to be served, but we cannot yet estimate the exact number due to the high volume of requests for clean water," he added.
Hendri Zulviton explained that Padang City residents needing clean water distribution during this drought season can contact 085891522181 by sending a water distribution request letter from their kelurahan or kecamatan via WhatsApp.
"This request letter serves as proof of reporting and the activities of BPBD Padang in distributing clean water," he concluded. (kominfo pdg)