PDM Pabasko Consolidates with Batsel and X Koto


PADANG PANJANG, kiprahkita.net - On Friday, July 19th, two consolidation teams from the Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Padang Panjang Batipuh X Koto, abbreviated as PDM Pabasko, conducted consolidation visits to the Muhammadiyah Branch Board (PCM) of South Batipuh (Batsel) and X Koto.

Previously, two other teams had already visited the PCM Batipuh and West Padang Panjang.

The Batsel team was led by PDM Vice Chairman Muhammad Syafran, M.Sc. The members included H. Rahmon Nefdi, SE (Chairman of the Economic Council), Murdia Aini (Chairman of PD NA Pabasko), and Dwi Dasawarsari from the Aisyiyah Regional Board of Pabasko.

The activities took place at the Nurul Ilmi Muhammadiyah Mosque in Rumbai, Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo, South Batipuh District. The team was welcomed by PCM Batsel Chairman Joni Wahyudi, along with other officials, the Aisyiyah Branch Board (PCA), autonomous organizations, charity leaders, and local Muhammadiyah sympathizers.

The X Koto team was led by PDM Pabasko Vice Chairman Defrial, M.Pd.I, and Dr. H. Mawardi, MKM, with members including PDA Pabasko Chairman Dra. Rusmaida Nasution, MDMC Secretary Abril and member Syakirin, and PD IPM Pabasko Chairman Muhammad Adib.

The event in X Koto was attended by PCM X Koto Chairman Ustadz Wahyu Salim, along with other officials, PCA, autonomous organization leaders, charity leaders, and Muhammadiyah members in the district, which is located between Mount Marapi, Singgalang, and Tandikek.

Both Syafran and Defrial expressed their gratitude to all PCM officials for their enthusiasm in participating in the consolidation activities, which aim to streamline organizational systems and accelerate Muhammadiyah movements in the Pabasko region.

"In line with the mandate from the Chairman of PWM Sumbar, Dr. Bakhtiar, and the Chairman of PDM Pabasko, Musriadi Musanif, we must not tire of consolidating, as a great charity depends on a strong organization," they explained.

One effort to strengthen the organization, they said, is to provide support to Muhammadiyah branches and their autonomous organizations, as Muhammadiyah members are located in branches.

Along with strengthening the organizational system, PDM Pabasko is also encouraging Muhammadiyah members to have a Muhammadiyah Membership Card (KTAM), which is a basic requirement to become a Muhammadiyah leader, autonomous organization leader, or charity leader.

"This year, PDM Pabasko is facilitating free KTAMs. The initial fees are paid by PDM Pabasko, while the administrative requirements are completed through the PCM according to each member's place of residence," they explained.

On this occasion, the team coordinator also handed over incentive funds for branch strengthening from PDM Pabasko to each PCM chairman.(mus)

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